Israeli Tech Mogul Gil Rabbi on How Storycards Engages the Internet

Published by entrepreneursbreak

For years, researchers have struggled to formulate better engagement models for e-commerce. Now, an Israeli startup called Storycards has created a unique solution. The company hopes that its invention, the internet’s first no-code engagement product, will deliver next-level engagement and user experience while fostering a new development culture.

According to its inventor, Gil Rabbi, Storycards is to engagement what WIX and Squarespace are to websites. Building on the success of those established platforms that allow users to create websites without any technical knowledge or coding skills, Storycards focuses on creating engagement with users via custom calls to action or CTAs. These commonly include trivia, quizzes, questionnaires and other forms. “As the largest brands compete for user attention, the most valuable currency is eyeballs, not real estate, and so the ultimate differentiator is how well a website engages its users,” observes Rabbi.

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Israeli Tech Mogul Gil Rabbi on How Storycards Engages the Internet

Gil Rabbi
Israeli Tech Mogul Gil Rabbi on How Storycards Engages the Internet